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At the beginning of each year, students at Chapin High School in Chapin, S.C., chart the groups and cliques on their campus. Typically, it's a picture of divisions. Then they, "Mix It Up", create creative interactions amongst and enjoy 'Unity Day'.... posted on Apr 11 2003, 1,029 reads


Groomed to be the fifth generation to head the Timken Company, he was part of one of the most prominent families in American business. But after receiving an MBA from Harvard, he left the business world to become a cop. Why? To make an immediate difference in people's lives. Meet Kurt Timken.... posted on Apr 10 2003, 1,625 reads


Amount of bulk mail delivered annually by each of the U.S. Postal Service's 293,000 letter carriers: 17.8 tons. Numbers of trees it takes to make one ton of paper: 24.... posted on Apr 09 2003, 1,392 reads


When Liz Murray didn't have a bed, she and a friend would sometimes go to a diner in the Bronx, pool their change to buy french fries with gravy and cheese, and take naps with their heads resting on the table. Since then, the 22-year-old has been to Harvard University and back again in a real-life story of willpower and determination that has inspired a television movie. Liz Murray -- from homel... posted on Apr 08 2003, 1,622 reads


... posted on Apr 07 2003, 363 reads


... posted on Apr 06 2003, 274 reads


Halfway around the world, American Sufi Muslims join in. Fundamentalist Christians add their prayers, as do Orthodox Jews at Jersualem's Western Wall. "Jimmy P," a heart patient at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina, is part of a global scientific experiment trying to find out: Does prayer heal? Yes, is the answer of more and more experiment in this arena.... posted on Apr 05 2003, 1,095 reads


Today, 1 in 4 Americans will eat a fast-food meal. Americans spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software or new cars. Every month more than 90 percent of American children eat at McDonald's; the average American eats three hamburgers and four orders of french fries every week. But Eric Schlosser show why most don't know what goes behind the making... posted on Apr 04 2003, 1,280 reads


Can dogs really help children to read? You bet – an audience that doesn’t make corrections is a supportive audience. ... posted on Apr 03 2003, 1,194 reads


In 1992, a crazed, nude woman ran up and down a street under the mid day sun. As people either gawked or walked on, two young women hugged her and took her to their college nearby. They cleaned her, clothed her and calmed her down. Vaishnavi and Vandana were barely out of their teens when they set out on a life of service.... posted on Apr 02 2003, 1,346 reads


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Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
Desmond Tutu

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